At 3DLSS, we strongly believe that using 3D laser scanning technologies is a great benefit to any project and design criteria. Conventionally, As-Built information would be documented with manual measurements and referenced to construction drawings. This traditional procedure has shown to be time-consuming, prone to omissions, and unsafe at times. We would like to demonstrate to our clients that the use of 3D laser scanning provides more accurate documentation, better visualization, and enhanced flexibility to accommodate any scope changes. A more detailed list of numerous benefits is listed below:
+/- 3mm at 50m accuracy which leads to confident decisions based on having the best available true As-Built information (accuracy depends on many factors such as: weather, distance to object, or equipment used etc.)
Eliminates safety hazards of traditional field data entry and of accessing difficult places for measurements.
Reduces engineering field time, rework, and plant shutdown duration.
Greatly improves project start-up time.
Precise, fast, and complete information improves engineering designs.
Ability to produce photographic visual animations.
Clash detection between As-Is environment and preliminary design.
Quality Control and Commissioning
3D Laser scanning can provide project quality assurance and display variations between initial design and the final construction or fabrication phase.
The deviations can be updated and incorporated into original engineering documents as well as 3D models with a true “As-Is” information.
Tendering Phase
Pre-bidding “virtual” site visit and preliminary design will eliminate any unexpected additional costs and unnecessary changes.
Produces 3D models and drawings required for urgent work in very timely fashion. Additional information such as: dimensions, data verification, specific model and drawing deliverables can be extracted from the scanned data collected and used at a later date.